1958   1959   1960   1961   1962   1963   1964   1965   1966   1967   1968   1969  1970   1971   1972   1973   1974   1975   1976   1977
List of Acts   List of Songs




These pages list my personal favourite recordings from each year, listed in the order they entered the UK hit singles chart.  You may not agree with my choices, but these were nearly all chart hits that had plenty of air play on the music radio stations of the day, such as Radio Luxemburg (1950s and 1960s), Pirate Radio Stations (mid-1960s), BBC Radio One (1967 onwards).  A few recordings in the lists were not hits in the UK.  They were played on British radio, but failed to accrue enough sales to reach a chart position.  However, as they were on the radio, they became favourites, so are in the listings.

The lists start in 1958, as I began buying records in early 1959, and many of those records I first purchased had been released in 1958.  I aim to continue to 1979, and possibly beyond.  The year pages are now complete up to 1977.  I hope that you will find the listings interesting and useful.

Features include chart performance, the name(s) of the writer(s) of each song, a brief history of the artist or band, relevant information about the song and other hit versions, where applicable.  If the producer of the record became well-known in their own right, eg Phil Spector, George Martin etc, this is also given.  Some bits of trivia are also given where such trivia exists.


1958   1959   1960   1961   1962   1963   1964   1965   1966   1967   1968   1969   1970   1971   1972   1973   1974   1975   1976   1977
List of Acts   List of Songs



Comments and corrections to: mjs@onlineweb.com

Listings compiled August 2015 onwards.

This page updated 03/10/2022